S.No | Topic | Sub Topics |
1 | Implementation Project |
2 | ESC |
3 | Define Geographies |
4 | Define Jobs & Positions |
5 | Define Locations |
6 | Define Actions |
7 | Define Action Reasons |
8 | Define RDS |
9 | Define Divisions |
10 | Define LDG,LE |
| a. | Legal Employer |
| b. | Payroll Statutory Unit |
| c. | Registration Unit |
| d. | Reporting Unit |
| e. | Tax Reporting Unit(TRU) |
11 | Define Business Units |
12 | Trees |
| a. | Position Tree |
| b. | Department Tree |
| c. | Organization Tree |
13 | Emp Model |
| a. | Employee Creation |
| b. | Employee Transfer |
| c. | Global Transfer |
| d. | Termination |
| e. | Rehire |
14 | Oracle Business Process Management(BPM) |
15 | Define Value Sets |
16 | Flexfield |
| a. | DFF |
| b. | KFF |
| c. | EFF |
17 | Define Cost Allocation KFF |
18 | Define People Group KFF |
Module2 | Payroll Module |
19 | Define LE,LDG |
20 | Define Primary Ledger |
21 | Bussiness Unit |
22 | Define Banks |
| a. | Bank Branches |
| b. | Bank Accounts |
23 | Define Consolidation Group |
24 | Payment Methods |
| a. | Organization Payment Methods |
| b. | Personal Payment Methods |
| c. | Third Party Payment Methods |
25 | Define Payroll Definitions |
26 | Retro, Proration Methods |
27 | Element Classification |
28 | Elements, Element Eligibility, Input Values |
29 | Element Categories |
30 | Define Basic Element, Bonus Element, Salary Basis |
31 | Attach Payroll To Employee |
32 | Run Quick Pay |
33 | Oracle Identity Manager |
| a. | Implementation User Creation |
| b. | Role Provision |
| c. | Custom Role Creation |
Module3 | Absence Management |
1 |
| Accrual Periods |
2 |
| Derived Factors |
3 |
| Eligibility Profile |
4 |
| Absence Reasons |
5 |
| Absence Certifications |
6 |
| Absence Plan |
7 |
| Absence Types |
8 |
| Integration with Payroll |
9 |
| Global Absence Fast Formulas |
10 |
| Attach Absence Plan to Emp |
11 |
| Run the Absence Plan |
12 |
| Emp Absence Apply |
13 |
| Manager Approval |
Module4 | Profile management |
1 |
| Content Type |
2 |
| Content Items |
3 |
| Education Establishment |
4 |
| Personal Profiles |
5 |
| Model Profile Types |
6 |
| Profile cards -13 |
7 |
| Subscriptions |
Module5 | Performance Management |
1 |
| Rating Models |
2 |
| Eligibility Profile |
3 |
| Questions |
4 |
| Types of Quesntion |
5 |
| Questionire templete |
6 |
| Performance Roles |
7 |
| Performnace Documents |
8 |
| Performance Templete |
9 |
| Performance Templete Section |
10 |
| Submit performance Tempelte process |
Technical Concepts |
1 | Data Loaders |
| a. | HCM Data Loader |
| b. | Payroll Batch Loader |
| c. | Spread Sheet Data Loader |
2 | OTBI Reports |
3 | BI Reports |
4 | HCM Extracts |
| a. | Global HR Extracts |
| b. | Payroll HCM Extracts |
| c. | Full File Extracts |
| d. | Changes Only Extracts |
5 | Fast Formulas |
6 | HCM Security |
7 | HCM Approvals |
8 | Personalisation |